Tuesday, April 29, 2008

HHO Gas. Research complete, Phase 2.

Well for those who might not know Ive been doing some research into Hydrogen production.

No im not making a bomb, im simply looking at converting a vehicle to a hydrogen-gas hybrid with the eventual hope of doing a full hydrogen conversion.

Hydrogen is extremely flammable gas. Anyone who has seen the Hindenburg blimp combust knows this readily and is likely why people are reluctant to install it or push the envelope for using it in engines.

But im not here to commit to conspiracy theory. I am conducting an experiment.

We've seen the hydrogen boosters on tv. And Mythbusters has proven that they will work, however when myth busters performed the test, they attempted to run the car soley on hydrogen which resulted in it working for a short period of time until a backfire occurred.

The mythbusters simply held the device over the carburetors mouth. Which, as with any fuel source. If unregulated, and the fuel allowed to pass back to the source, it will backfire.

However, the Mythbusters proved an interesting point. Hydrogen will indeed run a vehicle. This means the device only requires refinement.

(By the way Adam and Jamie, should you need a Canadian to come down and work for you, Ill glady do it. You think Adams good at hurting himself, you aint seen nothing yet!)

Anyhow. Back on topic. Ive been reviewing modern vehicle control systems and been pouring over videos and patents from Stan Myers and the like on how to do it.

In theory it will work. The vehicle will identify through its oxygen sensor that it is running far too rich and reduce the pulse of the fuel injector to compensate until it falls as close to stoichiometric ratios as it can.

In English. Hydrogen is a fuel. If you chuck fuel into a cylinder that the car can control, and then put hydrogen in, the van will of course attempt to reach that magic number by thinning out the
gasoline. Hence you save gas.

So where do you get hydrogen? Well any local gas shop. (Like a welding store) will stock hydrogen, however the huge amount stored in a tank is extremely dangerous. So you would have to produce it locally. Specifically, on the vehicle itself. So again where do you get hydrogen?

Probably the most common source is a chemical that could be dihydogen oxide. H2O.

We commonly call this water. If you pour raw water into an engine it will suffer from hydrolock. The engine tries to compress water. Water is of course thicker then air and mechanical failure happens. The trick is, how do you separate the hydrogen and the oxygen?

The weird part about passing electrical current through water is that is splits hydrogen and oxygen. 12v at 8-9 amps passed through electrical plates submerged in water with no electrical connection will cause heat and cause water to breakdown between the two plates. Hydrogen being heavier then water and air goes to the top where it can be collected, and pumped into the intake system of a vehicle to be used as a fuel source.

If it was this simple why hasn't everyone done this. It takes electronics and mechanical knowledge to get it to work.

You could put two nails in a bucket of water, hook it into a battery and get hydrogen. This is no secret at all. However the production rate of hydrogen would be so minimal, that it wouldnt be significant at all. You need more surface area to make more gas.

So you could use quality material, such as a perforated stainless steel to increase the size. However if you increase the size you will also generate more heat and require more amperage to run the system.

With more heat, the water will begin to condense, or make steam if you will, so you will require a method of separating the water from the gas. Not difficult, however this is another glitch that will have to be sorted out of course.

This still may not increase the hydrogen production enough to satisfy the requirement. As you know if you turn the system on and off, there is a boost in the production as you shock the water, it forces more production. So by adding a device that will provide the high current voltage at a higher frequency then what a battery can produce natively you will enhance your results drastically.

Now if you produce more hydrogen then you know what do do with, you need a method of regulating how much fuel goes into the engine. Even if it is just enough to keep the car at idle. For this you will need a regulator that you can adjust for how much you need to use. This must also work in tandem with the frequency to be able to adjust for the demand.

There is also safety. Were talking about a device that produces high voltage, hydrogen gas. You need emergency venting of the water tank, one way check valves to prevent a backfire from reaching that tank, and an electrical system capable of shutting things down in a hurry.

So Ive elected that I shall build such a device and install it onto a small engine to begin with and then move up. To see for myself if it does indeed work. If it does, bonus. If its a flop. Well, no big deal.

Im not trying to save the earth. Just a few bucks.

Results and updates will be thrown on the blog for your own deductions as I come up with them.



Maiingan said...

Yes, I know about "Adam" getting hurt alot, lol.

Ok, the idea of a hydrogen car is intriguing, and I do believe they have had success with it running a car (aside from what was shown on Mythbusters), but what about when the hydrogen vehicle gets into an accident? What's going to stop the engine from exploding?

jwpatch said...

Well typically most systems are so small, and most people put them in the front of the car, that in the event of an accident its damaged and stops working. Plus, the HHO dissipates quickly or is confined so that it wont explode. And if your worried about the engine exploding when in an accident from the HHO inside it, you shouldn't be worried. The engine doesn't explode when you put HHO in it in the first place, it only runs the engine, so why would it explode in the event of an accident?

I'm about to undertake a project of converting my jeep to run solely off of water or HHO. I'm going to take out my gas tank and convert it to make HHO. I'll use my current fuel lines and fuel pump to pump the HHO into the engine as if it were gas. I just have to figure out how to make the HHO production process over 100% efficient to make this work. I read that if you apply the right frequency to this then it can be up to 600% efficient... Anyone know anything about that??? I would love the input! Thanks

jwpatch said...

Also, if anyone reading this has ever done this before or attempted to, I would love to read some tips, hints, faults, findings.....etc. that you came up with. And anything that I do I'll post as well. Lets get this rollin!

Anonymous said...

I am also looking more at using a process to seperate the hydrogen from the oxygen. I think that by cleverly using a rod for the anode then a neutral pipe with a tap and a cathode pipe with a tap both at the top all stainless except the insulator where the neutral tap passes through the cathode area it could be easy to achieve with the right stainless setup and gravity. Then you just vent the oxygen and tap the hydrogen for use. The bottoms of the tube could be left open for water flow if used without vacuum. Or if vacuum is used it would obviously need a way to fill or some sort of valve system. Tell me what you think.

prast said...

how we could measure the hho gas (concentration of H2 gas and O2 gas that contains in hho gas)?
I just want to compare which one of the electrolite use, produce the best hho